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4 Fun & Easy Nature-Inspired Summer Learning Activities for Kids

Summer is a time for relaxation and fun, but that doesn’t mean that learning has to stop! In fact, summer can be the perfect time to engage in hands-on learning activities that are both fun and educational. Engaging kids in hands-on activities that blend nature and creativity can not only keep them entertained but also foster their love for learning. In this blog post, we’ll delve into a variety of easy, no-fuss summer learning activities that combine hands-on experiences, the wonders of nature, and the magic of recycled materials. Let’s dive in!

kid playing with dirt

Nature Scavenger Hunt or Journel

Turn your backyard or a local park into a treasure trove of learning by organizing a nature scavenger hunt. Create a list of items for kids to find, such as different types of leaves, flowers, rocks, and insects. For an extra challenge, you can create a list of textures, sounds, and colors for them to find instead – see what they can come up with! Encourage kids to observe, identify, and collect these items. This activity not only helps kids learn about the natural world but also sharpens their observation and critical thinking skills.

In a similar fashion, you can encourage curious minds to create their own nature journals. All they need are some blank notebooks or sheets of paper, pencils, and coloring materials. Encourage kids to sketch plants, animals, and landscapes they encounter. They can also jot down interesting observations, questions, or even poetry. While they are putting pen to paper, kids are engaged in creativity, observation, and writing skills.

Don’t have a backyard? No worries! Go to the closest local park. What’s more, you can find other local parks you may not even know about at

Upcycled Bird Feeders

Combine environmental awareness and creativity by making upcycled bird feeders. Use materials like plastic containers, wooden spoons, or even pinecones. Let kids decorate and fill these feeders with bird-friendly treats like seeds and fruit. Hang them in your backyard or on a balcony to observe the visiting feathered friends. This activity teaches kids about birds, their habits, and the importance of caring for our environment.

You can check out how we made natural apple, peanut butter, and birdseed Feeder Drops in the video below! We created these Birdseed Drops to celebrate the Winter Solstice, when food is scarce for our little friends.

Indoor Botany

Bring the beauty of the nature inside with an indoor botany project. In this learning activity, kids plant seeds in recycled containers like eggshells or yogurt cups. Watch as the plants grow and discuss the importance of sunlight, water, and care. This focused learning activity introduces children to natural growth cycles, patience, and responsibility.

Hint: Be sure to plant seeds that are quick to grow! For flowers, try sunflower and marigold seeds. For vegetables, try lettuce and radishes – some varieties germinate within a week!

DIY Nature Mobiles or Wreaths

Collect twigs, leaves, and other natural treasures during your outdoor adventures. Use these items, along with some string or thread, to create beautiful nature mobiles. Hanging these mobiles in your home not only adds a touch of nature but also serves as a reminder of the wonders that can be found outdoors.

Wreaths have become very popular recently, and you can easily create a wreath base from vines and branches you find outside. You can scavenge for wildflowers or fallen leaves and secure them to a wreath base with twine. The wonderful thing about making your own wreath is that you can change it up every season!

You can see how I made a DIY Wreath from dried flowers in the video below, right from the timestamp.

Kids love nature-inspired summer learning activities!

Summer doesn’t have to mean a break from learning. With these nature-inspired summer learning activities, you can keep your child engaged and interested in learning all summer long. From hands-on learning to nature-based activities to recycled crafts, ther’s something for everyone. So, grab some supplies, get outside, and let the learning begin!

new espi

What nature-inspired summer activities do you enjoy? Let us know in the comments below!

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