Day in the Life of a Catholic Mom – Summer Edition
A second edition to the “Day in the Life of a Catholic Mom” series! (See the First One Here) When summer officially begins, we follow a new rhythm. As much as I have a Top Ten List every summer, I also encourage my family to take nature’s lead. We still have routines, but no timetables – the height of low living, as summer should be.
In this vlog, you’ll see snippets of what would otherwise be a typical slow day in our lives during the summer. As of this writing, I am five days past my final day of work from last school year. From now until mid-August, I happily retreat back into the home and decompress – mentally, physically, and spiritually. I do not take for granted that I am able to enjoy this time, and so appreciate every minute of it.
A few Highlights:

Daily Prayers & Intentions
Keeping the Liturgy of the Hours has always been a goal for me. But hello….life gets crazy, almost daily. However, my monthly Magnificat guides me in prayer every morning and evening. It’s small enough to keep around, and is full of daily meditations, monthly themes, and snippets of various Saints. I’m a firm believer that we make space for what is important, and this publications helps keep prayer at the forefront.
One of the first things I did when moving into our home was to set up the clothesline. Barring winter and rain, I line up bedsheets, tablecloths, dresses, anything white, and other items that would benefit from an afternoon’s breeze. It’s my little way of connecting back to older ways of doing things, working with nature and enjoying it’s benefits.

One of my happiest accomplishments is learning how to make a good sourdough loaf. It’s like an alchemy of sorts: the magic that comes from the sourdough starter, the sour-sweet taste of a hot chunk of bread, the satisfaction of providing basic sustenance for loved ones.
I feed it once a week, the amount allowing me to make two loaves and pancakes for the morning after.
We are in the Zone 7b part of New York. This year, I’ve grown my first successful crop of carrots, all of which I still don’t know what to make with (let me know in the comments, below!) I harvested a small basket of eggplant, zucchini, peas, and calendula…all of which will be used someway or another in the kitchen. Speaking of…

Cooking Family Meals
There’s always a plate of food readily available. In the video, you’ll see Pasta with Swiss Chard and Andouille Chicken Sausage, one of the many pasta dishes that go straight from skillet to table several times a week. You’ll also see a side dish of Sweet Butternut Squash with Sun-Dried Tomatoes, because even when we enjoy ready-made meals, there will always be a fresh side of vegetables to go with it!
Quiet Time
Every day during the summer, at around 4 or 5 o’clock, we have Quiet Time. It’s the time between a long day of activities and dinner. A decade of parenting has taught me that this time is otherwise known as the “melt-down hour,” where children are torn between utter exhaustion and gearing up for their next activities. Hence, Quiet Time was born.

Once I give the call, I stream some relaxing music and everyone transitions to their quiet activity of choice: reading a book, coloring, puzzle-making, even taking a nap. The goal is that everyone is refreshed for the evening so that family dinner time can be enjoyed by all with as little stress as possible.
What you see above are my Mediterranean Diet Snickers. So worth a try!
Final Thoughts
As a Catholic Mom, there are few things I try to keep priority: time to pray, time to rest, and time to gather as a family (usually around food 🙂 I hope this little peek into my Day in the Life gives you inspiration, motivation, and confirmation that every day is a new day to enjoy!
Until next time,