Day in the Life of a Catholic Working Mom – Week Day Edition
I believe in both passion and purpose. Family and Home are my passions, and Educating Children is my purpose. As a Catholic working mom, I spend many hours every week helping to lead a school, and all other hours ensuring my home is maintained and my family is well fed, happy, and healthy.
And on any given day, just like any other woman, I wonder how the heck I manage it all. But I do! We all do! We are all amazing Superwomen and blessed because of it. Check out the video below for the morning routine!
The Week Day
4:00 AM – Rise, slowly, because I love my sleep and never believe I get enough of it. I thank God for the day and spend a few moments in prayer. I open the Magnificat and contemplate the Morning Psalms and Readings. When I’m fully up, I pop in my earpods and listen to some inspirational music while I make some green tea.
4:30 AM – Walk or exercise. At this time, it’s still pitch black out. I have yet to be brave enough to venture outside for my walk, though I’d love to do so (yes, I have reflective gear and self-defense all sorted out). There’s something about this magical hour that magnifies the stillness and beauty of nature. It’s also when I feel the closest to all the heavenly energies that surround us. For about 30-45 minutes, I follow a walking, circuit, or strength building Youtube video from one of several fitness channels I enjoy. (Do I do this every day? No, but enough!)
5:15 AM – Shower and School Lunch Prep. My shower and self-care routine is very minimal – I do what works and leave it at that. It saves me a lot of time, and…well…if it ain’t broke, I don’t fix it. It leaves me more time to sort out the 4 lunch bags and 7 water bottles that need filling. I prep the bento boxes the night before to save time. Two lunch bags are prepped and popped back in the fridge, and baby girl’s lunch bag stays on the counter with mine (she travels with me as I drop her off to daycare before work). I label and fill brown bags with the kids’ daily snacks, which is usually a portion of fruit or veg along with some pretzels, crackers, popcorn, or similar snack. I top up all the water bottles and stick them with the book bags.
5:45 AM – Wake up Baby Girl. She’s a sleeper. She hates waking up. I do a lot of massaging, singing, hugging, and blowing raspberries on her cheeks to convince her its time to wake up. I half carry her to the bathroom, sort her out on the toilet, and brush her teeth. We change clothes and I decide whether or not I have to refresh her hair. When I do, I hold my breath and try my hardest not to make her cry (she does, anyway….but she will learn one day).
6:00 – Wake up the Big Girls. The oldest makes life easy and gets up within 2 minutes. The second oldest takes an entire 20 minutes to get up, with me calling her name the whole time while I continue on with our morning routine. At this time, baby girl is snuggling on the couch watching Peppa Pig or Bluey. I sort out the older girls’ hairstyles and ensure their uniforms and book bags are prepped. They make their own breakfast after I leave – thank God for small mercies!
6:15 AM – Coffee and Breakfast for Me & Baby Girl. The tea kettle goes on, and I serve Baby Girl a small breakfast. She will eat again at daycare, but I just can’t leave without knowing she has something in her tummy. Usually, this is a little pastry, bun, or toast. Sometimes, she asks for a fruit. Whatever she wants, I give her, with a glass of milk. My breakfast happens in two stages – a small bite at home, and a thermos of oatmeal, an omelette, or something else prepared to eat at my desk at school.
6:30 AM – Leave. I pour 32 oz of coffee in my thermos, bundle up baby girl and myself, grab the bags, and head out the door. The older girls keep themselves busy and will leave for school later on with Daddy. Before driving off, I check my phone for the morning group texts and staff calls. Work starts now. I try my hardest not to check my phone while I’m driving, and rock out to whatever Pandora Station is currently preferred. At the moment, it’s Disney Princesses.
7:15 AM – Arrive at Daycare. I love this woman. She’s been taking care of my girls for almost a decade. We have only a few more months left before Baby Girl goes to Pre-K, so it’s been a little bittersweet as every day passes. This chapter is about to close.
7:30 AM – Arrive at work. Let the craziness begin! Every few hours, I try to center myself amongst all the chaos. I wear a wooden rosary bracelet and I remind myself to say a little prayer every now and then while I smooth over the beads.

3:30 – 4:00 PM – Leave Work. There’s really no set time I leave. It really depends on the day. However, I must make it out of the building by 4 PM in order to pick up the girls on time and have some sort of a calm evening.
4:15 – 5:00 PM – School Pick Ups. This takes a bit of time due to rush hour and two different pick up locations. Daily reports are exchanged with the teachers, and everyone packs in the car. We talk about our days on the way home.
5:30 PM – Arrive at Home. I’m lucky that the girls have quickly learned to help out. They organize their book bags, put their homework on the table for my review, empty their lunch boxes, and hang up their uniforms. I take a shower – this helps to *literally* wash off the day and transition from work-mode to home-mode.
6:00 PM – Cook Dinner. From now on, I’m in the kitchen with an apron on. It’s my safe space. I chop vegetables, hover over pots and pans, mix up salads – all while popping over to the kitchen table every now and then to look at that homework and see what the girls are up to. Usually, they are doing some quiet activity – coloring, reading, doing a puzzle, or making a craft.
7:00 PM – Family Dinner. We set the table, say grace, and enjoy our meal without rushing. It’s the best part of the night.
7:45 PM – 8:00 PM – Clean Up and Prep for the Next Day. I sort out everyone’s lunch boxes, organize the fridge, and do the dishes. The girls clean up the living room and return to their activities until I’m done. When it’s all finished and the kitchen is finally closed for business, we hang out on the couches. Right now, we are working our way through Call the Midwives. It’s been a wonderful bonding experience and a great way to start talking about the very things I wish my mother spoke to me about.
8:30 – 9:00 PM – Girls Shower and Bedtime. This used to be 7:00 PM, then 7:30 PM, then 8:00 PM. Now, 8:30 PM is where shower and bedtime will be until they are teenagers (at the very least). They help each other out and manage to get clean. I am waiting in the wings in my bedroom, sorting out my own clothes for the next day and doing some reading or journaling. I’m currently working through my Lenten Companion Bible Study.
9:00 PM – Kisses, Hugs, and Good Nights (and yes – the Hair). Most nights, the girls read a book together. Sometimes, they snuggle in my bed and I read them a book. Other times, they are tired enough to just get into bed – but not before I prep their hair and put on their bonnets. Sometimes, I reminisce about the years of nightly feedings every 2-3 hours, leaky breasts, and zombie-like movements. I don’t entirely miss those times, but I am grateful for all that hard work and how far we’ve come.
9:30 – 10:00 PM – Freshening Up and Settling Down. After my husband and family, my bed is my best friend. I take care of my teeth, skin, and hair. I then pop in my earpods. I put on some relaxing music and review the evening readings. I like the daily meditation from the Magnificat, and often read it from my phone during the day when I have 5 minutes (..or 2 minutes). But right now, it’s about reflecting on the day and the Word. I settle down, and sleep comes quickly. The morning is only a few hours away.
What do you think? Share your thoughts below!
Is my schedule crazy, or what? What is your schedule like during the work day, or week day, or any day for that matter!
Post below as we encourage each other to make the most of each day ❤️